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الرمان من أرض إسرائيل


الرمان من أرض إسرائيل

Pomegranates are rich in history! They are magnificent in beauty.  Their health benefits are outstanding. During the High Holidays, Jew’s the world over, indulge in these healthy fruits. From the time that we were slaves in Egypt, we knew and loved Pomegranates. Pomegranates are one of the oldest known fruits throughout the world, Pomegranates have taken center stage in several cultures. Throughout some of our more ancient writings, we find references to the Pomegranate. Many cultures and religions have found the pomegranate on their artifacts. This outstanding fruit is an original native to the country of Persia. Throughout the world, Pomegranates are symbolic of health! In Egypt they symbolized fertility!  In Persia were thought by some to give eternal life.

The Pomegranate is nutrient dense fruit. It is one of the super fruits found in the world. It is a fruit to include daily in your diet. Pomegranates are a powerhouse of antioxidants. They help to bring healing to the heart. Within the seeds, you will find an abundance of fiber. A glass of pure pomegranate juice contains more antioxidants than red wine or green tea.  Blueberries, and cranberries are also surpassed by the Pomegranate. What an amazing power house of health benefits.

Pomegranate juice can be found in the market all year long. You can purchase fresh Pomegranates in most markets during the Fall months. Generally they are in the stores from September through  the month of January.

For those who are not familiar with the pomegranate, it is a red fruit with a tough leathery outer layer or skin. Only the juice and the seeds inside ,are edible. Even though it is a little labor intensive, it is worth the effort. Pomegranates are delightful!

Punicalagin is a natural compound found in Pomegranates. It is the major nutrient that is responsible for the pomegranates antioxidant and health benefits.  Several major health studies have been done on heart patients. It has been documented to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and increases the speed at which heart blockages begin to melt away. One study showed that it only took an ounce of juice a day to reap these heart benefits. Below you will find an excellent morning smoothie recipe. This recipe is delicious! It is healthy! It is a bundle of nutrition!

Morning  Smoothie
Makes 3 smoothies or enough to last throughout the day


8 cups organic Spinach or Kale fresh from my garden
1 كوب عصير رمان
1 كوب من العنب البري الطازج أو المجمد
1 كوب فراولة طازجة أو مجمدة
8 حبات تمر، مقطعة إلى نصفين
2 tablespoons ground Flaxseeds, Maca Power, or Chia seeds
1/2 avocado and/or 1/2 peeled raw beet

Pomegranates have been found in the clothing of the ancient Jews. Turquoise, purple and scarlet wool pomegranates adorned the clothing of the Cohen Gadol (the high priest). You can read about it in  Exodus 28:1-5. In this passage you will find the instructions for the clothing to be worn by the High Priest. In Hebrew the High Priest is called the Kohen Gadol  or Cohen Gadol. It means the Great High Priest. Kohen or Cohen means Priest. Additional instructions for clothing can be found in Ex. 28:4-5,  Ex. 28:40-43, and also Ex. 29:5-9. You will notice that Pomegranates play an important part in the ancient Israelite clothing. 

As Rosh Hashanah comes each Fall, the pomegranate is center stage among foods to serve for the festival. It is not only a spiritual food to eat, but it is a healthy choice as well. Pomegranates will be the center of most Rosh Hashanah dinners. They are a symbol of good fortune for the year to come.  They are usually eaten after saying a “yahi ratzon” prayer This is a prayer to say in English: “let it be thy will”.

So if traveling in Israel during the time of the Fall  feasts, enjoy the magnificent Pomegranate. You will discover that they are everywhere. Pomegranates are a fall specialty! They are Healthy! They are delicious! They are one of the treasures of Israel!

