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اكتشاف المعالم السياحية في هونج كونج

Ngong Ping 360  Cable Car

 Ngong Ping 360  Cable Car Making The Journey to Lantau Island

For countless years the journey to Po Lin Monastery was done over land by bus on one of the most dangerous and steep mountain roads. Po Lin Monastery is home to the Tian Tan Buddha, not only a tourist site, but a place where the Buddhists make journeys to pay homage to the Buddha. Ngong Ping 360 now connects the Lantan Island with Tung Chung. You arrive in the village of Ngong Ping, where you can spend a few delightful hours exploring the village. Seek out the quaint little shops and the traditional cafes for lunch. Enjoy an authentic Chinese lunch before catching the train up the mountainside to visit the monastery.  Take time to breath the fresh air as you climb the mountain on your way to see the Tian Tan Buddha.

Elaborate Gate

Entering Through A Very Elaborate Gate

Tian Tan Buddha On Lantau Island

 Tian Tan Buddha On Lantau Island 

Buddha Amoghasiddhi   is known throughout Asia as The Big Buddha. This is the tallest statue of  Buddha   Amoghasiddhi in the world. It stands over 111 feet high. One can not help but enjoy the craftsmanship and skill that went into making this world renown statue.

بوذا الكبير

 One Of The Divine Generals With Tian Tan, The Big Buddha

You enter the path through a very elaborate gate and proceed on a path that has statues of 12 divine generals. Each one has one of the animals of the zodiac on his head. Shown here is General Makura with the Big Buddha in the background. He is on guard from 5-7 am and is represented by the rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac and has an ax in his hand.

As you travel the path, just keep on the path and you will not be lost. Keeping the Big Buddha in sight is easy.  The finally leg of the journey is the 260 stairs leading up to the Buddha.  There are several rest areas and places to take pictures as you climb the stairs.

The Big Buddha Sitting On A Lily Pad

The Big Buddha Sitting On A Lily Pad Holding The Six Devas

Each of the Six Devas stand for an offering made to the Buddha and are the six stages believed to be necessary for each person to pass through to reach perfection. These stages are patience, wisdom, zeal, charity, meditation and morality.

Beautiful Lantau Island

Overview Beautiful Lantau Island

Blend Of The Past And The Present

 Hong Kong Is A Blend Of The Past And The Present

As we journey back to the main island of Hong Kong, we arrive at a very large, mega city. It is a city made up  of many smaller cities.  The faces of Hong Kong are ever changing, with it’s unique blend of the old and the new. It is done almost seamlessly with a harmony that is seldom seen elsewhere. Here you can find everything modern and new, while, at the same time,  journey back into the past with history as your guide.

If you like the small markets and open markets be sure and wonder over to the Mong Kok District. Here you will find many vegetable and fruit markets that are not so very different than open markets anywhere. They are similar to what is called Farmers Markets In the USA. But many of the market areas are unique, and will be an unique experience. One such market area is the Mong Kok Wet Market.

Mong Kok Wet Market

Get your holiday goose at the Mong Kok Wet Market

Whatever kind of meat you desire, you will find at this market. But not cut up and ready to go! You actually pick your animal, which is alive and then they will kill it for you and prepare just the way you want. Everything is really fresh at Mong Kok Wet Market.

Mong Kok Fruit Market

The  Mong Kok Fruit And Vegetable Market

These vegetables and fruits aren’t kept in cold storage and then shipped across the seas. These are fresh, as in picked yesterday, and many even were picked early in the morning. So how about a fresh picked  fruit?

Mong kok Street Market

 Ladies Mong kok Street Market: 

These are just a few of the exciting markets of the Mong Kok area. There are bird markets, flower markets, and every other kind of market you can possibly want. Hong Kong has many markets and many exciting adventures waiting for you. If you are in the market for adventure, consider Hong Kong as your next destination and discover the sights and sounds of Hong Kong.

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This article is original for steemit.com, but uses photos that were used in the following articles:













صفحة تويتر، استكشافالمسافر

صفحة الفيسبوك، استكشافالمسافر

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