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أشجار النخيل في الأراضي المقدسة في إسرائيل

أشجار النخيل في الأراضي المقدسة في إسرائيل - مجموعة من أشجار النخيل بجانب شجرة - نخيل التمر

 أشجار النخيل في الأراضي المقدسة

Date Palms are one of the sweetest most versatile palms found in the Holy Land. Clustered in the Jordan valley, you will discover extensive groves of date palms throughout the valley. They can be seen from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. They are found clustered around Lake Hula and beyond. Traveling through the country side of the Jordan Valley, you will see thousands of Date Palms. The date palm is a rich resource for the people of the Holy Land. Every part of the tree is used. The tasty and versatile date provides everything from sugar to shelter. It is believed by many that the date offers protection from the diseases that attack human kind.

There are many types of dates cultivated for today’s consumer. Some of the top varieties are the Amir, Hajj, Saidy, Khadrawy, and Medjool. The Medjool Date and it’s products  are a major export fruit for Israel.  The Medjool Dates are mainly cultivated for its sweet delicious fruit.

In ancient times, the Date Palms were used for their medicinal purposes. They were believed to cure many diseases, It was believed that they would cure infections, increase sexual desire, and promote longevity. Woman in labor were given dates to ease the pains of labor. In modern times, many on going studies are attempting to verify the amazing advantages of eating from the Date Palms.

The fruit of the Date Palms are magnificent and delicious.  This amazing fruit is packed with a wonderful and impressive list of essential nutrients. The fruit of the Date Palms provide most of the vitamins, and minerals needed for normal growth. The date is a soft and easily digestible fruit with simple sugars. One gram of Medjool Dates are just 277 calories. They provide the body with the needed nutrients to replenish the body instantly with energy and vitality after a fast. Since early times, dates have been served after the Feast of Ramadan for this very reason.

Dates are rich in fiber, which prevent the LDL cholesterol from absorbing into the stomach. The fiber of the date works as a mild laxative and helps to protect the colon from cancer. It has a moderate amount of Vitamin A, which helps to give you healthy eyes. It helps to promote a healthy vision. Dates contain antioxidants known as Tannin. Tannin is famous  for its anti-infective, and anti-inflammatory properties.  It is also well-known for its anti-hemorrhagic properties. This helps to counter easy bleeding tendencies that is prevalent among older populations. It’s moderate amounts of Vitamin A can be helpful in the fight against lung and oral cavity cancers. The many antioxidants found in the date has been found to be helpful in the prevention of colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Another important antioxidant found in the date is considered helpful in the fight against age-related macular degeneration. It has been suggested that having at least 100 grams of dates a day, could help the elderly keep their eyesight.

Dates are also a major source of potassium. Potassium helps in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate in the body. Thus dates can be said to help in the prevention of strokes and coronary heart disease. A few dates a day keep the heart doctor away!

What else is the fruit of the Date Palms famous for? They are also extremely rich in calcium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Calcium is needed for the bones, teeth, nerves, and muscles to grow and function properly. It helps the blood to clot properly also. Without cooper we do not produce red blood cells. Manganese helps certain antioxidants to work within the body. Magnesium is needed for proper bone growth. This common little fruit of the Date Palms is a powerhouse of nutrition in the human body. All this and they taste good too!

If all the vitamins above were not enough, is moderately rich in the B Vitamins. Among other things, the B Vitamins help us to process carbohydrates, protein, and fats in the body. It also has a healthy amount of the K Vitamin. Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood and bones. Maybe we need to say that an apple and a few dates a day keep the doctor away. What an amazing fruit comes from the Date Palms!

The most amazing thing of all is that this was all known since ancient time. They knew to give women in labor dates for an easy labor. They knew that the body could be kept running efficiently with a few dates a day. They praised the date for its gift of longevity. They kept their heart strong and free of the modern diseases of mankind. Their eyes were strong even in old age. What did they know that we are just finding out?

They didn’t have the need to process their food. The Date Palms were a part of their daily diet. They didn’t need a bag of cookies for a treat, they grabbed a few dates to satisfy their sweet tooth. Their teeth stayed strong. Their bones stayed straight. Their hearts were strong and without disease.  They had not yet heard of cancer in ancient times. Obesity was not the problem of the day. Nature has provided for all our needs. Add 5 dates a day to your diet.

On your next Middle Eastern Adventure, explore all the fruits that they use daily. Learn to love nature’s medicine chest. Rise and enjoy whole grain fresh bread with fresh cheeses and a piece of fruit. This is the lifestyle of the Middle East. It is their gift to the nations! The gift of long life. It is a package of good health. Make this the year you discover the Date Palms of The Holy Land.

لقد قامت ExploreTraveler بإنشاء مقالات وكتب ومقاطع فيديو وبودكاست عن السفر لعدة سنوات حتى الآن. نعتزم تقديم موادنا القديمة ليتمكن الآخرون هنا من الاستمتاع بها، وإنشاء مواد جديدة هنا أيضًا. ندعوك إلى النقر فوق الروابط الخاصة بنا للوصول إلى المحتوى الأصلي، ومتابعتنا هناك أيضًا.

 This was originally published on  exploretraveler.com Nov. 20, 2015 at:



ظهيرة هادئة على نهر تشينا - لقطة مقربة لشجرة - فندق


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