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16 من أفضل الأماكن السياحية في نيو مكسيكو للتخطيط لرحلة التخييم

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أفضل الأماكن السياحية في نيو مكسيكو
أفضل الأماكن السياحية في نيو مكسيكو

Top Travel Tips in New Mexico

Best backpacking in New Mexico – Lying in the South-western region of the الولايات المتحدة, New Mexico is a state which was founded in 1610 and is the fifth-largest state in the US.  From exquisite foods to diversified habitats, New Mexico is home to some unique foods as well as flora and fauna. It thus holds a really special place informing the spirit of the United States and apart from the fact that New Mexico holds the largest hot air balloon festival in the world and that is one of the youngest American states one must also know that New Mexico is a wine state.

Yes! You will find almost 50 wineries that produce over a million gallons of wine yearly. Further, New Mexico is more than just a desert as it has the most diverse landscapes in the world there is snow, wildflower fields, and jungles. You can see Yucca Plant, in most areas, as it is the official State Flower of New Mexico. There are also white sand dunes and vast expanses of prairie.

وبالتالي، فإن وصف نيو مكسيكو بالجميلة من شأنه أن يضع حواجز أمام جمالها، حيث إنها تتجاوز ذلك ببساطة ولا يوجد على الأرجح شيء لن تجده في الولاية. كل هذا يجعل نيو مكسيكو واحدة من أفضل الأماكن للسياحة مع عدد لا يحصى من الأماكن التي يمكن زيارتها، حتى أثناء الوباء العالمي الذي نواجهه حاليًا. نعم، لقد سمعت ذلك بشكل صحيح؛ التخطيط لرحلة المشي لمسافات طويلة إلى الوجهة هو ما يمكنك القيام به لكسر الرتابة في هذا الوقت.

1. حديقة كهوف كارلسباد الوطنية

حديقة كهوف كارلسباد الوطنية
Carlsbad Caverns National Park – Top Travel Places in New Mexico
مشغل يوتيوب

The Carlsbad Caverns National park is one of the most visited sites in New Mexico. It has approximately 120 known caves hidden mostly underground. Carved from limestone which is deposited in an ancient Sea, its underground landscape attracts thousands of tourists. Thus, if you are an enthusiast of archaeology and nature, this can be a treat for you. Besides, visitors can also experience bat tours, expeditions to specific caves, and walks through the wondrous geographical formations.

نظرًا لأنك مسافر وسط الوباء، فمن المستحسن أن تأخذ معك أفضل طعام للتخييم للحفاظ على سلامتك وصحتك أثناء الرحلة. تعد هذه الوجبات مثالية للمشي لمسافات طويلة في المناطق النائية ويمكن حفظها لفترة طويلة.

2. نصب الرمال البيضاء الوطني

نصب الرمال البيضاء الوطني
نصب وايت ساندز التذكاري الوطني

تشير نصب وايت ساندز التذكاري الوطني is yet another magnificent landscape in نيو مكسيكو. Surrounded by rugged mountains, this stunning landscape lies in the Tularosa basin, a Northern offshoot of the Chihuahua desert. Gleaming with gypsum, the sand here has built up into a marvelous landscape of dunes, up to 60 feet high, that constantly get displaced by the wind. This marvel of nature attracts thousands of tourists across the globe all year.

مشغل يوتيوب

3. مهرجان البوكيرك الدولي للمناطيد

مهرجان البوكيرك بالون
مهرجان البوكيرك بالون

Attracting more than 80,000 people each autumn, Albuquerque is home to the world’s largest hot air balloon festival. It is a nine-day festival, which kicks off with the “Mass Ascension “ and continues with a unique display of coordinated ballooning and nighttime presentations. The tradition which was first started in a parking lot with only 13 balloons in 1973 has evolved so much that it occupies a 365-acre park today with more than 500 balloons participating.

There are countless incredible things to do at this festival too. From several kids’ activities, to live musicians, craft shows, and street performances under the beautiful, multicolored sky, this festival instantly makes one fall in love with the culture of New Mexico. So if you happen to visit New Mexico during this time of the year, you do not want to miss the Albuquerque international balloon fiesta.

4. وادي تاوس للتزلج

وادي تاوس للتزلج
Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico

If you are a fan of winter sports, New Mexico is again the right place for you to visit. Northeast of Taos, in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at about 8,900 to 12500 feet, is where these beautiful, unique, and equipped winter sports are held; in the region of Taos Ski Valley. Known as the Skier’s hill, this hill has exceptionally striking and advanced terrain. Half of the trails here are for experts only. Considering the current conditions and the virus outbreak, skiers perhaps need to حقيبة ظهر essentially nutritious food that can strengthen their immunity and protect them from not just Covid-19 but also other kinds of bacteria.

5. حديقة بيكوس التاريخية الوطنية

حديقة بيكوس التاريخية الوطنية
حديقة بيكوس التاريخية الوطنية

New Mexico is home to a lot of ancient and historical sites. The بيكوس الوطنيةالحديقة التاريخية هي أحد هذه المواقع، والتي تضم ما كان في السابق أحد أكبر القرى الأمريكية الأصلية في الولاية. كما تضم ​​الحديقة ساحة معركة الحرب الأهلية في ممر جلوريتا والتي يمكن التجول فيها عبر مسار يبلغ طوله 2.25 ميلًا، بدون مرشد.

6. The Wheeler Peak Wilderness

The Wheeler Peak Wilderness
The Wheeler Peak Wilderness – best backpacking in New Mexico

The summit of Wheeler Peak Wilderness is the highest point in New Mexico at 13,161ft. This area is home to a wide range of wildlife where visitors can find marmots, Pikas, elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and golden eagles. Hiking here is the most popular thing to do, along with several striking trails, ranging from 4mi to 8mi long. Therefore, if you are a really inspired hiker, you may want to consider backing foods that are less likely to be affected during the times of Covid-19 outburst and can serve you for a long time.

This also includes freeze-drying وجبات الطعام that come packed with high levels of nutrients, which will keep you energized and full throughout your trip. The Wheeler Peak Wilderness enjoys moderate temperatures during summers and cold winters with temperatures falling regularly below freezing point. Summertime is the ideal period to visit this place as the place is both warm and wet.

7. شيبروك

Shiprock New Mexico
Shiprock New Mexico

Shiprock is one of the most extraordinary and incredible cultural sites to see in New Mexico. The more you explore this site, the more astonishing facts you will know about it. The site is of great significance to the Navajo nation as it is perched within the nation. The Shiprock is in fact a great place one can find themselves and is a treat for the mind. So if you happen to be in that part of New Mexico, visiting the Shiprock is always worth the time.

8. سانتا في

سانتا في نيو مكسيكو
Santa Fe New Mexico – Top Travel Tips in New Mexico

Arguably one of the most beautiful and majestic, Santa Fe is one of the most popular and the oldest city of New Mexico and is also the capital of the state. The major cultural attractions of Santa Fe include the palace of the governor’s museum, located in the nation’s oldest public building with its permanent collection of more than 20000 artworks, including pieces of Ansell Adams, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Francisco de Goya.

تعد هذه المدينة من أهم مناطق الجذب السياحي وتشهد حركة سياحية ضخمة على مدار العام. لذا إذا كنت مسافرًا شغوفًا ومحبًا للفن، فيمكنك السفر حتى في أوقات الجائحة العالمية التي نواجهها اليوم. على الرغم من أن ما يجب ألا تفوته هو طعام حقيبة الظهر وهو ما هو صحي ونظيف مما يساعدك على مقاومة العدوى أثناء الاستمتاع بالرحلة عبر مدينة سانتا في، نيو مكسيكو.

9. ترام سانديا بيك

Sandia Peak Tramway New mexico
Sandia Peak Tramway New Mexico – Top Travel Tips in New Mexico

At the Sandia foothills, just outside Albuquerque, is this aerial Sandia Peak tramway which takes you up to 2.7 miles to the Sandia Peak. The journey there is beyond incredible. The terrific view that one can only dream of is just a part of this short journey. The tramway offers a view of the Rio Grande valley. Apart from the scenic beauty, this area is also used for skiing in winters and also attracts several hikers and enthusiastic mountain bikers. So if you are a nature lover, the Sandia Peak tramway might just be the place for you, where you can perhaps find solace.

10. Cumbers and Toltec Scenic Railway

Cumbers and Toltec Scenic Railway
Cumbers and Toltec Scenic Railway – Top Travel Tips in New Mexico

This is a narrow-gauge heritage railroad that runs between Chama, New Mexico, and Antonio, Colorado. This is the highest steam-powered railroad in the nation with breathtaking views of the grassy, deer-filled hillside Meadows and stream-laced mountains not to mention the exceptionally thrilling moments this ride offers as it crosses the Cascade Creek trestle. This ride, therefore, is perhaps the ride one should experience at least once in a lifetime as they journey is a pure rejuvenating experience. One can enjoy this scenic beauty while munching on some healthy food that can be backpacked during this journey.

Best backpacking in New Mexico

11. نصب بانديلير الوطني

النصب التذكاري الوطني لبانديليير
Bandelier National Monument – Top Travel Tips in نيو مكسيكو

تشير نصب بانديلير الوطني تتمتع هذه الحديقة ببنية تحتية تمكن العديد من أنواع الأشخاص من الاستمتاع بإحدى عجائب الآثار في الولايات المتحدة. إنها بيئة مناسبة للعائلات حقًا مع مسارات يمكن للكراسي المتحركة الاستمتاع بها. يتطلب المشي بالقرب من الأطلال وحولها المزيد من الحركة ولكن يمكن تقسيم الموقع إلى مسارات مختلفة والسماح للشخص الذي يريد زيارة جوانب مختلفة من الحديقة بالقيام بذلك في رحلات منفصلة بمرور الوقت. 

مشغل يوتيوب

تبلغ مساحة هذه المحمية 33,677 فدانًا، وهي نصب بانديليير الوطني الذي يضم بعضًا من أكثر المناظر البركانية الخلابة والآثار الأثرية في الولاية. وتشمل بعض بقايا هذا الموقع القديم، الذي كان في السابق موطنًا لشعب بويبلو الأجداد الذين احتلوا المنطقة من عام 1150 إلى عام 1600 بعد الميلاد، هياكل مذهلة مثل المنحوتات الحجرية والمساكن المنحوتة في الصخور البركانية.

There are petroglyphs as well, which distinctively portray the Pueblo culture and tell a lot about their lifestyle. This area, thus, is significant to historians and archaeologists and several studies have been conducted here too. Apart from this, the park has a national museum and hiking trails as well. So one can learn and have fun at the same time at this park.

مشغل يوتيوب

12. نصب Petroglyph الوطني

نصب بتروجليف الوطني
Petroglyph National Monument – best backpacking in New Mexico

The most remarkable feature of this park is its الصخور, images that were carved in the basalt by indigenous people and early Spanish settlers, centuries ago. This makes it a really popular and significant site and thus is visited by people across the world, including several professionals as well. Encompassing about 7,244 acres of land, this area consists of a basalt escarpment, five dormant volcanoes, and a sweeping mesa.

There are about 20,000 petroglyphs in the area, which can be viewed from the hiking trails. There are three hiking routes here and hikers must be well-equipped with water and nutritional foods and be aware of the local wildlife, especially rattlesnakes.

مشغل يوتيوب
مشغل يوتيوب
مشغل يوتيوب

13. تاوس بويبلو

تاوس بويبلو
Taos Pueblo – Top Travel tips in New Mexico

Taos Pueblo, located just outside the city of Taos has the oldest dwellings in the US, which are continuously inhabited. Constructed with the use of straw-reinforced mud bricks and timber-supported roofs, these adobe structures date back more than a thousand years. These are apartment-style houses that are about five stories high and the town can accommodate around 150 people at a time.

Visitors are welcome to take a tour of the community which has been recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site as well as a national historic landmark. The Pueblo, on several occasions, remains closed to outsiders during its annual events. It is perhaps a unique and one of the most visited sites in New Mexico.

14. The Ghost Ranch

مزرعة الأشباح نيو مكسيكو
The Ghost Ranch New Mexico – best backpacking in New Mexico

Located in Abiquiu, نيو مكسيكو, the landscape of Ghost ranch encompasses 21000 acres of towering rock walls and bewitching skies. Visitors can enjoy several rejuvenating activities here such as massage therapy, horseback riding, hiking trails, and kayaking at the Abiquiu Lake. The museums at Ghost ranch specialize in anthropology and paleontology, where numerous major research studies are also conducted. 

Ghost ranch is, therefore, visited by tourists as well as some significant paleontologists and anthropologists. One can avail of activities such as the hiking trails here but with certain measures, the most important being the kind of food that one carries along. As Covid-19 spreads all over the world, you can still enjoy hiking by طعام الرحلات that can significantly reduce your chances of getting infected by the virus.

15. الثقب الأزرق

Blue Hole new mexico
Blue Hole New Mexico – Top Travel tips in New Mexico

The blue hole in Santa ROSA, New Mexico is a natural bell-shaped pool that has an entrancing water clarity that can just take away all your stress. You can take a dip in this 80 feet deep natural pool during the hot months which has a constant water temperature of 61 degrees. This alluring natural pool attracts travelers and offers so many water activities, scuba diving being the most popular one. Santa Rosa is also known as the scuba diving capital of the southwest. It has also been listed in the top eleven best natural swimming holes in the US.

16. Clayton Lake State Park

clayton Lake State Park new mexico
Clayton Lake State Park New Mexico – Top Travel Tips in New Mexico

This park is a gold-level international dark sky park, designated as نيو مكسيكو’s first dark sky park in 2010. The park has its own 14-inch mead telescope. The area has very little light pollution and thus, many stargazing events are hosted here. The park is also known for fishing derbies and dinosaur tracks. You can thus check out the dinosaur tracks during the day while waiting for the clear sky at night.

وفي الختام

New Mexico is the perfect place to travel, the single-most place where your dreams can actually meet reality. A place that can be traveled at any time of the year, even during the massive outbreak of the Covid-19. All you need to make sure is that you حقيبة ظهر غذاء صحي that is rich in all kinds of nutrients and can help you repel the virus strikingly.

New Mexico is a place where you can find countless hills, volcanoes and mountains, ancient houses and scenic railroads, white sands, and clear skies. It is a place, worth all your time and money and a journey that you wouldn’t forget.